General Pediatrics in Waterboro, ME
After Hours:
The doctors take emergency calls from their homes after hours. Please call the main number and you will be directed to the answering service. The service will then page the doctor who is on call and the doctor will return your call. If you have caller ID block on your phone, you will need to take it off in order for the physician to call you back. Please save routine questions (mild illness, appointments, prescription refills) for the morning or when the office is open.
To help provide timely service to our patients, we prefer to schedule all visits. Occasionally, despite our best efforts, we may run late due to an office emergency. We will keep you informed so that you have the option of rescheduling your appointment or if available, seeing another provider. If you are later than 10 minutes for your appointment, we will try to work you back into the schedule or perhaps offer an appointment with another provider. Out of courtesy to our patients, we may be forced to ask you to reschedule your appointment.
Sick Child Visits
We make every effort to schedule appointments for ill children on the same day that you call us. Please call our office ahead of time to minimize the waiting time. If you have a medical emergency during office hours, we will do our best to see your child immediately or refer you to the appropriate facility.
If you would like to have more than one child seen, please schedule both of them when you make your appointment. Without an appointment, we may not be able to see a sick sibling right away, and you may be asked to wait while the provider sees a scheduled patient who may be waiting.
Patients who walk in with a non-emergency condition will be fit into the existing schedule as best as possible, or they will be asked to return later in the day when the schedule allows.
Well Child Visits
To keep your child healthy it's important to bring them in for regular checkups. We recommend that you call weeks in advance so you may choose the date that fits your needs.
It is your responsibility to bring your child's insurance card to every visit. Please be aware that your insurance may only partially cover services provided and coverage varies among insurance companies, plans and insurance coverage. We know that health insurance coverages may be complex and difficult to understand. We encourage you to discuss questions with your insurance carrier in order to receive maximum benefits available under your plan. Since our relationship is with you and not your carrier, the financial responsibility for payment lies on you. Payment for balances remaining once insurance clears is due upon receipt of the first statement. Co-pays are due at time of visit and we collect them while checking you in for your appointment. We do understand that everyone goes through tough times, and we are always willing to help our patients through payment plans. Please notify one of our Patient Service Representatives who will direct you to the billing department.
Returned Check
Checks are no longer accepted by this office. Please be prepared to pay your co pay with cash, debit card or credit card.
Divorced and Separated Families
Because of the difficulty of billing a third party, the parent who brings the child to his/her appointment will be financially responsible for balances and co-pays. Our office will not contact the ex-spouse under any circumstances. In the event an ex-spouse fails to pay their share of the costs, the entire account balance must still be paid by this person.
It is the person's responsibility to seek reimbursement via the court system and NOT through our practice.
New Year Requirements
At the beginning of each new year, you will be expected to update necessary information. Please be aware you must present your child's current insurance card to scan into our system. You will also need to fill out a patient update form for each child as well as a medical permission form